There is no one system (size) fits all solution but there must be a system that’s right for your business. If your debtors are not converting to money in the bank, you have no cash flow to pay staff, your creditors or yourself (but you already know that!). This post has some suggestions on how you may be able to control your debtors […]
Are you part of the Cash Economy? Beware!!!
The ATO has recently posted a real case scenario showing the extent of their data matching capabilities (and a result thereof). The below is a copy of this recent posting. Even if you do not have too many cash transactions, this may prove to be an interesting read!
Where do I get cash from?
This post has been kindly contributed by Sarah Wells of Red Concierge.
The question every budding entrepreneur asks themselves once reality has hit them firmly between the eyes “Where do I get cash from?” speaking from personal experience “Beg, borrow and no, no stealing” and “think outside the square”.
Almost every start-up’ gasps for cash and is under funded from inception. This starves the business and crushes the dream of the entrepreneur. How can you grow without cash ? It is king after all! […]