We all all time poor. We are constantly bombarded or choose to increase our knowledge of what’s going on within our community, industry or world at large.
But how do we decide what gets our attention? … Here and Now!
Rightly or wrongly, I decide based on the headline and the little blurb the article or post provides.
Some headlines which tend to always catch my attention:
Over XXX Sold
Don’t XXX!
Try XXX before you buy
The XXX Myths of XXX
Have you heard what XXX said about XXX?
You risk XXX
XXX Saving Tips for XXX
Are XXX Worth It?
Have a XXX to be proud of
From the above, it seems that I am drawn to articles and posts showing emotional connection, benefit and explaining a particular topic or its main points – succinctly.
What about you? What catches your eye?