Can you describe what you do in 140 characters or less?
We help small businesses to get more out of their marketing and afford the new car that they started their business for in the first place.
What made you get into the marketing field?
Even as a kid I was interested in marketing. I was always curious how companies became so big and made so much money.
Your website states you use guerrilla marketing techniques – can you explain these sort of techniques?
Guerrilla Marketing is creative, unconventional and clever. It’s using your strengths as a small, nimble business to stand out & boost sales.
Do you find that most businesses don’t have a marketing plan?
I do. I would estimate that only about 10% of our clients previously had a marketing plan prior to working with us.
Why do you think that is?
It’s a shame but most businesses never knew where to start or never had the time to put one together.
Do you find that marketing is often not given the budget it deserves?
You know what? I think that the size of your marketing budget is irrelevant in 2011. Sure, money helps but creativity is far more valuable.
Your website also features a free monthly marketing report template download. This is a great template to stay on top of your marketing goals and successes. Have you had any feedback from clients or prospects who have used it?
To be honest I haven’t. Maybe we should be putting more work into our follow up communication.
What’s one of the more interest campaigns you’ve had a chance to work on?
We had a business come to us that was bleeding money and had 3 months left unless things improved. Being able to make such a huge different is very rewarding.
How about a challenge with any particular campaign?
Not a particular campaign but many of our projects are challenging due to the complex industries in which they operate. It’s all part of the fun and motivation that we have.
With email marketing and e-newsletters flooding our inboxes, is there still room for direct mail outs?
Definitely, but only if you make them exceptional. The bar is getting higher every month and average just won’t do it any more.
You also have a sister business – the Blog Designer. Has building a blog as part of a website become a given as opposed to simply being a variable?
At the end of the day you need to have a marketing strategy that makes you interesting enough for people to read your blog. If you don’t have that, a blog may not work for you.
And finally, what would you say to people who are sitting on the fence with respect to seeking marketing services?
Research marketing consultants that you are thinking of using. Get to know them, the clients they’ve worked with and see if they’re the real deal. We don’t bite 🙂
Contact Mike via:
Website –
Twitter – @MikeFromEngage & @EngageMrktingAU
Interviewed by Janna Fikh of Fletcher Tax Accountants 05/04/11